Two Pandemics

Something trumped Covid 19 this week. Racism in America. The video of a white police officer with his knee on a Black man’s neck while he shouted, “I can’t breathe,” until he died, went viral.

Then, while so much of America was social distancing thousands of people came together in streets across America in protest. The protests were against a long-term virus in America, a social pandemic, discrimination against Black Americans. This week it led to the police killing of George Floyd. There were others before him.

We have made progress in America against racism. The Civil Rights Movements of the 50’s and 60’s helped move us forward.  Less we forget. More African Americans have visible roles in the media. We had an African American President. We have Equal Employment laws, etc. Yet, so much racial discrimination still exists and so much economic injustice.  White supremacy simmers beneath the surface in some Americans.

It took an authoritarian regressive white President to give permission to that simmering to boil over.

Maybe backlash against the progress that has been made against racism, and also sexism and homophobia, was bound to erupt. In the midst of this backlash, I want to recognize that it is a reaction to changes that have happened that move us toward justice.

Now past generations and new generations need to join together to advance our democracy toward human rights and peace with justice on all fronts. We cannot lose ground. We must move forward. We need a new Administration.

So many people of all races and genders are horrified by what happened and deeply saddened and angry. Protest is a sign of hope. We long for a nation in which racism is history and all can live in dignity and equality with mutual respect.

There are those of every race and nationality who do not harbor hatred in their hearts, who long for peace. Among them is the family of George Floyd who want to honor him for the peaceful man he was as they seek justice for his murder.

So, now, as we are looking at the problem of crowded beaches during the Covid pandemic, we are also looking at crowds on city streets. Nerves are frayed on all fronts

Both pandemics, the medical virus and the social virus need to be addressed. I would like to say, eliminated, but that is not realistic. Controlled. Controlled by people raising their voices for justice and using their gifts for healing. So many care about others and value kindness.

President, Donald Trump, will not wear a face mask in the midst of the Corona pandemic. It is a vain macho act and a deliberate symbol for his followers of his right and theirs to disregard the human life of many to protects their own interests and image.

Conservatism is better than that. It does not need to be represented in such a deadly form. And most police officers do serve the common good and provide security and safety. Most needs to be all. Otherwise, how can anyone tell the difference? Brutality needs to be prosecuted.

We all have to pursue those things that save life and health and act against against whatever evil forces threaten life.

Let’s all work to acknowledge and correct the inequities in our society and in our hearts even as we work to find a vaccine or effective treatment against the Corona virus..

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