March for Our Lives

Watching young people march to end gun violence in our schools and on our streets brings tears to my eyes. In addition to celebrating their cause, their determination and actions, “not just a moment but a movement,” I am overwhelmed by what I see. All of the movements for civil and human rights wrapped up into one. A culmination. The message that everyone has a right to live, to live in safety! Black and white, male and female linking arms. And though sexual preference and identity is not as visible, I am sure all are linked in solidarity around these rights too.

A new generation. New voices. Passionate, clear, and courageous! Coming at a time when the adult world is divided to the point of governmental paralysis. At a time when militarism and the violence that accompanies it is promoted. While our young people march for life our government prepares for a military parade to strut our weapons of destruction. Young people take to the streets at a time when a president tweets like an unreel stereotypical teenager, and teenagers speak with maturity and the wisdom of ages, calling us back to sanity and caring for one another.

I think of Jesus saying, “A little child shall lead them.” Well these are not little children marching, but they are young and they are leading! Thanks be to them and the power of love.

Words cannot do justice to what is happening. May the Spirit who gives life continue to be at work in these our beloved children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren, our nieces and nephews, our students, all God’s own.
As they speak and act, may the world hear! And as their education continues, may it prepare them, not to fight in wars, but to make peace and embrace justice with mercy and integrity, healing but not forgetting all that they have witnessed in their young lives.

May those who have been silenced by death shine brightly and speak eloquently through all who live on. And my faith tells me that even those who have moved on forever, live on.

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