Happy Birthday John and Lincoln: Have some rolls.

Today is our son John’s birthday and I am making crescent rolls. For many people, this would not be a challenge. For me, store bought is good enough and from scratch is too time consumming. But he requested the rolls. At first I said, “no.” Then I remembered that as a child he had grown so used to store bought cakes for his birthday that he came to prefer them. Or so he said. (I was a happy as a working mom who learned to simplify.) It may be time to make it up to him now that I am retired. My husband helped me put my apron on saying that I had not worn it in fifty years. (A slight exaggeration.) As I work the dough, there is a certain satisfaction and …anxiety. I am not a total stranger to this. I’ve done my share of cooking, Some of it is coming back but I am not sure of myself. The shape of the rolls is questionable. I’ll stop now and see if the rolls rise. If not, I did find some on sale at our grocers.

Today was also President Lincoln’s birthday. (Check out the new Lincoln dollar coins.)  I have always enjoyed the fact that our son was born on this day.

I return to the rolls. They turned out okay, in fact, they were good and I actually enjoyed making them. I was even able to substitute whole wheat flour for more than half of the white flour.  John’s wife and daughters put on a party with his friends.  Tomorrow is our celebration with th family.  Much joy and love to John and “Happy Birthday” to everyone who shares Abraham Lincoln’s Day!

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